Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

conditional sentence

Conditional Sentence
Conditional Sentence (=Kalimat pengandaian) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau mungkin tidak terjadi seperti yang diharapkan.
Conditional sentence terdiri dari dua klausa, yaitu:
Main Clause (Induk Kalimat) dan IF Clause.
Letak main clause bisa di depan maupun di belakang IF Clause. Perbedaan letak ini tidak mempengaruhi arti.
Ada beberapa tipe Conditional Sentence, yaitu:
  • Type I: Future Conditional
  • Type II: Present Conditional
  • Type III: Past Conditional
Type I: Future Conditional
Kalimat ini mengungkapkan kejadian yang diharapkan akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang dan memiliki kemungkinan untuk terjadi.
Pola kalimat:
If + S + Verb (present), S + will + Verb1
Kalimat 1                         Kalimat 2
  1. If I have enough time, I will visit him.
(mean: I may have enough time, I may visit him)
  1. I will go to the beach if my father gives me permission.
( mean: Perhaps, I go to the beach, my father permit me)
  1. We will wait if you want to join us.
(mean: Perhaps, we wait, you probably want to join us)
  1. If you study hard, you will pass the final exam.
(mean: Perhaps, you study hard, you may pass the final exam)
  1. If he wins the competition, they will give him a gold medal.
(mean: Perhaps, he win the competition, they may give him gold medal)
Type II: Present Conditional
Kalimat ini menyatakan peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi sekarang tetapi  tidak terjadi.
Pola kalimat:
If + S + Verb 2 / were,     S + would + Verb1
Kalimat 1                              Kalimat 2
  1. If she visited me, I would give him money.
(mean: She doesn’t visit me, so I don’t give her money.)
  1. If I had enough time, I would go swimming.
(mean: I don’t have enough time, so I don’t go swimming.)
  1. If you were a flower, I would be a bee.
(mean: You are not a flower, I am not a bee.)
  1. If Agnes Monica were my girlfriend, I would be the happiest boy in the world.
(mean: Agnes Monica is not my girlfriend, so I am not the happiest boy in the world)
Pada tipe ini, to be untuk semua subyek pada IF clause adalah WERE.
Type III: Past Conditional
Kalimat ini menyatakan peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi di waktu lampau, tetapi tidak terjadi.
Pola kalimat:
If + S + had + Verb 3, S + would have + Verb 3
Kalimat 1                             Kalimat 2
  1. If she had studied hard, she would have passed the final exam.
(mean: She didn’t study hard, so she didn’t pass the final exam.)
  1. If the team had played well, it would have won the competition.
(mean: The didn’t play well, so the team didn’t win the competition)
  1. If Britney Spears had been here, I would have been very happy.
(mean: Britney was not here, so I was not very happy.)
  1. If you had come to my house, you would have met me.
(mean: You didn’t come to my house, so you didn’t meet me.)

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